F•Y•S•H Foundation Contribution Form

F•Y•S•H Foundation Contribution Form

Donor Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms): ___________________________________________

Position & Corporation (if applicable): ________________________________

Street address: _____________________________________________________

City: ___________________State _____________ Zip code: ________________

Phone: (      ) ________________ Email: _________________________________


We would like to contribute as a:


_____Leading Sponsor ($2500 and above)         

_____Supporting sponsor ($500 to $1000) 

_____Sustaining sponsor ($1000 to $2500)        

_____Anonymous Donor ($500 and above)


       In amount of: $__________________________________


  We would like to include some of our products for fundraising auctions 

   We would like to contribute equipments to be used in the filed


Is this contribution being made in memory or in honor of someone special? If so, please complete the following:


   In memory of: _________________________________________________

    In honor of: ___________________________________________________


We are making this contribution by:       


 Check - Payable to: F•Y•S•H Foundation

 Credit card - Please visit: www.fyshfoundation.org


Contributions to F•Y•S•H Foundation International are tax-deductible.


F•Y•S•H Foundation is a non-profit public benefit 501(c)(3) corporation and is operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. F•Y•S•H Foundation is not organized and shall not be operated for the private gain of any person. The property of the corporation is irrevocably dedicated to its educational and charitable purposes and no part of the receipts, or net earnings of the corporation shall be used for any activities other than its mission. F•Y•S•H Foundation will always retain control over the contributed funds and will provide the relative information regarding its activities on its website: www.fyshfoundation.org